Presentation of CPCS-CI
Created in 2015, the NGO Center des Programs de Communication Stratégique-Côte d'Ivoire (CPCS-CI) aims to make strategic communication essential to accelerate the achievement of health and sustainable development objectives in Côte d'Ivoire, thanks to to innovative interventions.
CPCS-CI therefore aims more specifically to:
- Positively influence the individual and collective behavior of communities to address health and development challenges through innovative communication programs;
- Integrate new research and monitoring/evaluation techniques in order to refine its communication interventions and assess their impacts;
- Mobilize the support of public and private sector partners for the integration of communication in development policies and programs;
- Promote the use of information and communication technologies (ICT) in health and development programs to improve the quality of partner interventions;
- Facilitate the sharing of tools and best practices through ICT;
- Strengthen the strategic communication capacities of public and private partners to improve the performance of their respective programs.